The Desire To Write Grows With Writing

Dear Santa Claus                                                                                    
I am really looking forward to Christmas and I want to tell you
 about  the presents we’d all like .
As for me I’d like to have two ----------- of  pencils.

Don’t put  the -------------in my ------------------ because I think there are

some ---------------- living in the roof   of  the  house.
My  sister  would  like to have  two  very beautiful ------------.
Also  she likes sport. That’s why she‘d like to have a pair of new   --------------.
 As for my mother  she would like to have some  new beautiful -------------------.

My father enjoys   playing football and he wants a pair of new -------------------.

I’d like ------------- for my little brother Tom.
Grandma would like  two new ---------.
I must stop  now  because  I am going to help my --------------------------
to decorate our ------------------------.
These are just a few about our Christmas  wishes.
Lots of love from   ........                  

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