Never Stop Learning English

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Never stop learning
Being keen on using authentic texts in my ESL (English as a Second Language) classes, I was able to attain gorgeous objectives in my method of teaching Englishto my English language  language learners.
As for beginner level learners, they are capable of assimilating any new information easily through using some pictures and images with simple English taken from popular magazines and websites.I usually refer to some websites when I am preparing my lesson plans.Undeniably, utilizing these visual authentic materials in my classes could assist these learners in gaining as much information as they can in a short period of time.Here are excellent websites where any ESL teacher can resort to to find authentic texts:
As for intermediate level learners, I usually bring them conversations ,dialogues and stories illustrated with images,pictures and recorded MP3 or MP4 from printed materials and some websites.The English language learners at this level are in need of being aware of our everyday English, so these authentic texts are the best means that could encourage them to attempt to communicate in English without much hesitation.Here are websites that I find very utile and vital for any intermediate level teacher:

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